Saturday, August 22, 2009

Togetherness, A Mother's Thoughts

I'm thinking they must be enjoying a good time together. There will be a missing link as one was not able to join the four. Sisters, four in a fun place for a time to get to know one another. The first time this has happened since childhood. They will laugh and giggle. They will share things and feel close. They might even shed a tear while sharing needs and hurts, but the healing will take place and the closeness of being with one another will bring joy. They will enjoy the sights and sounds of the music and laughter around them and the food will satisify because of their gourmet appetites. There will be a spiritual time because each has made their peace with God. They will share the grace and love of the Savior and will never be quiet the same when they return to their individual lives.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Mourning and Celebraion

Traveling to the cemetery way out in the wilds to bury my baby sister, her being the last of my family, leaving me as the only child living out of a family of sixteen , is something we need to do, but there will be sadness. There is though the blessing of knowing she is with our Blessed Savior makes it easier to bear and much to be thankful for. Last year we traveled to the same cemetery to bury another sister, dug the grave and placed her ashes into the ground, had a short service, covered her grave, consoled her daughter and left her there with my parents and another sister, who had been buried many years before. So different now. Used to be the funeral director took care of these things sparing the family of that kind of involvement. Seems more personal this way, digging the ground, thinking of the good times and blessings as memories spill over into sharing things long forgotten as the years have gone by. It's a good thing to be this closely involved.

Then we go on to my cousin's ninetieth birthday celebration at Engadine, a very small town not too far from the grave sites. This cousin has become very special to me because we share family memories very special to both of us. She is my second cousin. All the first cousins are gone and I am the only one left from my generation although many of the second cousins are older than I. What do you give a ninety year old, who is happy with her life and wants for nothing, content with what she has and who she is. I wll give her a card thanking her for the times we've had together, the memories we've shared and that we have kept the family alive in our hearts and been able to share with the younger members of our families what a blessing families are and how important it is to keep family memories alive. Jessie, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Father's day was a blessing to both of us. Receiving a card with best wishes from the grandchildren, with their special notes, made his day, and the cards and phone calls from the daughters were special. Reviewing our lives we are humbled by the love of our children and grandchildren.
Upstairs, sitting at my old Brothers word processor,where so many of my writings were done I reviewed poems I had written and not looked at for some time. These took me through the years of my christian life. Through the happy times, the sad times , the discouraging times, the times of need and the times where God felt so near I maybe could have reached out and touched him, but of course I didn't. I noticed a theme going through each of the writings. In almost every poem or writing my heart broke for others, those whom I love and those I barely know and then for those I don't know at all. I am so blessed by knowing my Savior. The desire of my heart is always for others to know Him too, and it came through while I reviewed my writings.
There was a used notebook there and picking it up I found things I had written to Heather, Athea, Heidi, and others, some friends, and some whose spouses had died, and some for birthday greetings to friends. The theme through these as I reviewed them was for a closer walk with their God, encouragement to believe He could take care of problems, or make situations right, or the blessing of putting him first in all situations.
What a wonderful day I had because I see in those I love their lives and I believe with all my heart God is working. My payers are being answered. What more could one ask for?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Been feeling a little proud lately as I hear of the accomplishments of our daughters. It's not the degrees that are so important, but the drive to keep on learning. I hear of Batchler and Associate degrees, but I also hear of taking advanced courses in ALF rules and regulations. Then there is news of one making first in managing the business she is engaged in, and pictures of gardening never tried before, and the back yard being beautified. Their Dad is engaged in readying a study in the Book of Ephesians for a Bible Study requested by the Pastor of the church we attend, and I find myself working on old slides of our missionary days to answer a request to present and share our experiences of those days with a woman's group. Our minds are probably the most important part of us God created. We have a responsibility to keep feeding it because even after we leave this earth our minds will keep on learning. Isn't it great to know we will never reach our capacity for learning because the Holy Spirit will always be out front opening up more to us forever. Never quit searching.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Awoke to the most beautiful sunshine, sun streaming in through the high windows lighting the room with gold. So many things to do today. Walking through the road covered on each side with blue forget-me nots, I thought of Ron. I remember digging up a clump of these beautiful flowers, putting them in a pot and into a carry-all and taking them on the plane to attend his funeral in St. Petersburg, Florida. I miss him. We shared a spirit of love for our wonderful Savior. I'll see him one of these days. We will meet again in a place much more beautiful than the shining sun this morning.
I took pictures today of flowers not yet in bloom so I can take more when in full bloom and show off their beauty. Apple blossoms to, with wee apples showing themselves behind the fading colors, and I tried very hard to get a robin to stay still, but he wouldn't cooperate. Then the rains came, replenishing the ground, the droplets shining like diamonds as the sun peaked through again.
What more should it take for one to believe in the Creator God? He makes it all so worthwhle.