Saturday, June 13, 2009


Awoke to the most beautiful sunshine, sun streaming in through the high windows lighting the room with gold. So many things to do today. Walking through the road covered on each side with blue forget-me nots, I thought of Ron. I remember digging up a clump of these beautiful flowers, putting them in a pot and into a carry-all and taking them on the plane to attend his funeral in St. Petersburg, Florida. I miss him. We shared a spirit of love for our wonderful Savior. I'll see him one of these days. We will meet again in a place much more beautiful than the shining sun this morning.
I took pictures today of flowers not yet in bloom so I can take more when in full bloom and show off their beauty. Apple blossoms to, with wee apples showing themselves behind the fading colors, and I tried very hard to get a robin to stay still, but he wouldn't cooperate. Then the rains came, replenishing the ground, the droplets shining like diamonds as the sun peaked through again.
What more should it take for one to believe in the Creator God? He makes it all so worthwhle.

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